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The affirmations below are true. If you like to avoid doing evil, don’t read them. But if you want to do evil, read. If you are good, read with attention. It might be that you change your mind about yourself, Having doubt, read anyway. Having certainty, don’t waste your time. Read something else. Not having anything to do, do good. If you don’t know what is good, look in the mirror, open the window, drink water, walk, eat, drink, love, and don’t feel guilty because you like those trivialities. Ready? Don’t be too ready. There’s nothing wonderful or new being written here. Read then! 1. It is bad to do good for those who are evil. They will hate you for the evil of your good. 2. It is bad to think good about the person who only conceives evil. He will use you without scruple. 3. It is bad to wish that good happens to the person who is jealous of you because you are good. He will judge himself superior and will feed his jealousy with all his hatred. 4. It is bad to do good to those who have an inferiority complex about you. He will believe that you are humiliating him. 5. It is bad not to do any evil to the person who only wishes evil for you. He will not stand your negative answer to his provocations. 6. It is bad to help the coward when he is in trouble. He will think that you are an accomplice. 7. It is bad to do good to those who see everything impure. Your goodness will be interpreted as weaknesses. 8. It is bad to do good to those who flatter you. They will think that your goodness is a payment and they will try to enhance their business with your soul. 9. It is bad to do good to him who doesn’t love. He will never believe in you. 10. It is bad to do good to those who are greedy. He will wish your good only for his interest. Well, if it is like that, give an abundance of goodness to the world! Always violate those principles It’s going to be for you own good. I expect you to be hopeless (by the world’s standards) Be this sinner Sin this sin Practice this evil You are condemned Thank God! Original Title: Coisas que fazem mal Quando você faz bem Translation: Guilherme and Kathy Sazonov, New Jersey www.caiofabio.com/reflexões 2004, by Caio Fábio Proofreading: WM
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