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In English



Our Father, who is in Heaven, make our consciences be awakened in Your light.
Open up our spiritual senses and light up our hearts’ eyes with the light of Your eyes.
Yes, open up our ears so that we hear Your voice.
Make us desire to listen to what You say to us, in such a way that Your Word sounds pure and clear to us just as it resounds in the Heavens, without the fabrication of human meanings and the fiddling from the interests that turn them into words in service of human whims or morals.
Oh Father, keep our hearts in contrition and worship to You so that the joy of our salvation doesn’t wither before the lures of self-righteousness boastings.
I also ask You that when the Law terrifies us deeply and the Sinai thunders assault us with roars of guilt, let the Voice of Your Love be heard, and let the Loud Cries 1 of the Victorious One who broke the Tablets of Stone get into our beings and give us reassurance. May we, in this way, be able to hear, as if from a cosmic megaphone, the Voice that established itself forever: “It is finished!”
And, in this way, restore in our hearts the child’s simplicity that trusts the fatherly bosom against all thunder roars, and then allow our souls to simply rise and say, “Abba, Father!”
From the original: “ABBA, PAI!
Translated by F. R. Castelo Branco | April 2007
1 See Hebrews 5:7
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