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AL GORE – Speaking as a prophet to America and the whole world

AL GORE – Speaking as a prophet to America and the whole world




(Originally posted in Portuguese in early October, 2006)
Yesterday I saw American ex-vice-president Al Gore expressing his political-priestly dedication to the attempt to save the Earth from its self-induced Apocalypse.
Meanwhile, Bush, like a modern Beast, promotes death…
As a free citizen, Al Gore is now giving the American people much more effective help than if he had been president, because his priorities would probably not be so well focused if he were under the tyranny of the power’s interests.
I have always said that everything regarding the human evils on the Earth is important. More emphatically, however, I have stated that all the other subjects become almost unimportant when the science prophecy coincides with the Bible’s and both announce, “Apocalypse Now”.
Now they no longer speak of dangers for generations to come in the too distant future. No! Death is rushing toward us now, and for that reason what had been said to come in 100 years’ time, then 50 years, then 30, today is said to be likely to burst out in 10 years at most — something that would be a record change in the planet’s temperature in a million years. 
The powers of the heavens are being shaken! 1
The bomb of astounding energy that exists and beats like a heart in the Earth’s core can have an infarction. This would destroy our magnetic field and cause all the planet’s atmospheric gates to open wide for all sorts of invasions and attacks by cosmic materials, not to mention the extinction of the law of gravity, which would make life impossible as we know it. Frost and smoke would be our mates, according to the warnings of the Bible prophets.
Death is all around us — and we are the defendants, the judges, the jailers and the hangmen of ourselves!
We, as disciples of Life, have a prophetical commitment to fight and denounce all kinds of plunder of the Earth, beginning with our own Amazonian backyard, which, due to fires, contributes greatly to the cosmic destruction process of what we call life on the Earth.
More than ever it’s time to read Revelation and see that the great judgments have a close resemblance to our present world’s scenario.
Those who want to be prophets of God today have to join their voices to the voice of the angel who flies in midair and has the Eternal Gospel to preach, and says in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory … Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.” 2
All coastlands will be flooded in a short time. Calamity after calamity is what lies ahead.
Whoever doesn’t believe it, just wait and see.
In Him, who never deceived us,
1. Matthew 24:29
2. Revelation 14:7
From the original: “AL GORE – Falando como profeta para a América e o mundo”
Translated by F. R. Castelo Branco | February 2007
First posted in Portuguese in October 2006
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