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----- Original Message -----
From: Sandra
To: contato@caiofabio.com
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 18:36
Subject: O grande segredo da verdadeira fé (The great secret of true faith)
Beloved brother in Christ, Caio Fabio,
My name is Sandra. I am 40 years old and I live in Brasilia.
I’ve been reading your website for some time now, and the readings have helped me grow spiritually in my faith in Jesus. Look, I’ve been attentive to, concerned with, and, at the same time, amazed at what God has done in your life and your father’s.
Caio, your accounts on all the tribulations and, along with them, the wonders God has worked through your family have made me amazed and led me to love God even more.
When you described the bleeding that your father had and the way God healed him, I started wondering, “How come so many good things happen to Caio, who is already a man of God? Why ever the Lord is doing all that?” My conclusion was: It’s because you, as a messenger of the Word, with your incomparable way of expressing everything, putting everything across in such a peculiar and true way, are the best person to witness the wonders of the Lord.
I know your faith will be significantly strengthened after you go through it all, and you will certainly reach lives that will serve the Lord in spirit and truth, wholeheartedly, as God wants us to serve Him. No religiosity, no masks. People who will truly seek not only the God of Miracles but also the God who is All-powerful no matter the circumstances.
I have learned this from your testimonies.
Keep assured, as I know you are. We all hope for your father’s quick recovery.
Hugs to all, especially your father and your wife.
In Him, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life,
Dear friend Sandra,
Grace and Peace!
Thank you for your kindness, support and prayers.
Yes! With all my heart, I thank you and everyone else who has prayed and cared.
I have just arrived from the ICU, and he is having the best day of all today. He cannot talk, but he is conscious and even good-humored. Today, amid some painful procedures, I recalled some situations when he always bore more pain than a woman in labor, and he smiled.
In fact, he interacted in every way. However, when the physiotherapist said he liked Psalms 139 and 90 and I recited them by heart, the physiotherapist was touched, and Dad smiled, stirred with joy.
I am, we all are, no exception, filled with gratitude and praising God’s power and His miraculous intervention, undeniable to all.
A while ago, when I was leaving the ICU, a nurse called me and said, “I’ve never seen anything like this!”
Not to mention the angels-doctors: Dedicated, passionate, humane, friendly, altruistic, as well as the angels-nurses Hilton, Gerilson and Daniel—all of them share the same humane quality.
The place has turned into a Church of faith, fellowship, communion, hope and harmony around the miracle of his life and the miracle in him.
Regarding why God has operated like this toward me, who, supposedly, do not need it (“Caio is the messenger”), I say: God is my Father, and He knows I am just a little child of His, and I am more needy than most. Besides, He knows why He did and does everything. But one thing I know: I myself did not do anything; I know everything came and comes from Him.
Here, I only ask. He is the One who answers!
I am simply like that Syrophenician little dog, of Greek origin, that licked Jesus’ ground, certain that the cure for the whole world was there.
I am not a lion; I am a sheep. I am not the head—He is the Head—; I am the tail. Yes! In Him, I just want to be a little tail. I want to be found in Him, even if others say, “Look, that’s Caio; he was the tail.”
Keep praying!
Now we need to wait until his body recovers from so many aggressions.
I am going to preach live from here [Manaus] to the La Salle Theater [in Brasilia, via the Internet]. How about coming over?
In Him, who is the Life of the Way in the Truth,
Manaus, Amazonas
My wife and I have been away from each other for 23 days now. *
Translated by F. R. Castelo Branco | September 2007
From the original “PAPAI ESTÁ RINDO”
* Adriana, Caio Fabio’s wife, is in Rio de Janeiro for medical examination. (Translator’s Note)
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