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Unquestionably yes! I know people who are definitely spooky.
They bear very clear characteristics, as to know:
1.      Spooky people have a negative vie w of people and life in general.
2.      Spooky people will always be resentful. They keep revenge feelings for a lifetime.
3.      Spooky people feel happy when others go through what they consider “fair” or deserved.
4.      Spooky people feel diminished in relation to others. That is why they are envious.
5.      Spooky people believe that everyone is watching them and that there is a complot against them. It is the syndrome of importance, which aims at covering their own feeling of inferiority.
6.      Like camels, they ruminate hatred while crossing the desert of existence.
7.      Spooky people wave the flag of justice and fairness to disguise the real motivations of their mean hearts.
8.      They use their slanderous tongue to separate people and they have strange satisfactions in what they call their own “justice and right” code.
9.      Spooky people never relax when they are at home. They are always looking for something “wrong”.
10.Spooky people often have a bad relationship with their father or it can also be with their mother
11.There is always someone who treats them like “poor guys”
12.They feel that people of the opposite sex do not love them. Nobody can stand them but when there is someone who, by any chance, can live near them, there is a chance that this person is as sick as sick as the spooky one and has become addicted to the spooky creature.
13.Their eyes never give a glance at good things; they focus on bad things.
14.They seem normal and functional, but they simulate very well their estate of confusion. Their confusion is easily confused with justice.
I have much more to say about spooky people. After all, they can be found anywhere!
Such people are at the brink of the abyss of a mental disease and if they do not heal their existential, mental, and psychological addictions – they will assuredly go into to a more serious stage of disease, especially into the life of others.
They are the ones who scare themselves and become their own scaring creatures. Nobody can live next to them!
They do not need a devil because they are the devil themselves. And believe-me: they play this role with a weird satisfaction – though masqueraded of religion, morality, justice or law.
Think of it!
November 22, 2007-01-22
Lago Norte, Brasília – DF
Original: Existem Pessoas mal Assombradas?
Translation: Wanda de Melo
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