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Question: I want to receive your opinion about the G12 Movement, once there are several positive and negative evaluations about it. I would like to know what are the psychological dangers brought by this movement. Answer: As a “cell” method....is older than time itself. As “fashion” is old too...from time to time, from communists to catholics and evangelicals...the method is re-sacralized....and becomes “revelation content”. As “growth strategy” is effective. ..but makes “growth become an end in itself”. As “content”...there is everything...from good to crazy groups...with people control...vaginal and penial anointment...and psychological regressions...etc... What worries me me is when a method becomes apostolic revelation of how God want things to be in the “last days”. Then, at this stage, for me, it becomes presumption, illness, ignorance and misusage...people who do not have what to say and need methods to replace the absence of content. As regards to me, I stay only with the content and means used by Jesus. Nobody was freer than Him. Caio Original by Caio Fabio: G12... O QUE ACHO? June 25th, 2003 English Version By Felipe Sabino de Araújo Neto Cuiabá-MT, December 20th, 2004. Editing: Wanda de Melo
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