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PASTOR, AM I A PAIN IN THE NECK? By Rev. Caio Fabio PASTOR, SERÁ QUE SOU UM CHATO? Rev. Caio Fabio -----Original Message----- From: SERÁ QUE SOU UM CHATO? To: contato@caiofabio.com Subject: Será que sou chato? I am a great admirer of yours and of your work. After reading some letters on your site I decided to write one as well. I guess I have become an “annoying person” because my friends say: ”There comes that theologian who has an explanation to everything, never agrees with anything and always finds an imperfection in the preaching....” And so on... I don’t know what to do. I do my best to be updated on the Christian world. I study the Bible for more than two hours a day and I read theology books. All this has given me some knowledge but has also generated some problems to me. All I say is based on the Word, but people trust mostly in the preacher s words instead of checking out to see if he is telling the truth, like the Bereans did. Some things are too much to bear....it is impossible to remain silent... For instance, a pastor said that the groom should be the first to enter at church and that the bride should be the last to enter. He said that this is Biblical.... Some things are too much to bear... Anyhow, people believe and say that I am rebel and that I should found a church to me. Am I wrong? should I keep quiet and leave things as they are? ____________________________________________________________ Reply: My beloved: Peace and Good Will! There are things before which it is impossible to be quiet. Here on this site, for example, I say and write about many things just because it is impossible to keep quiet and to comply with them. Have you imagined if I were to create problems with all that I consider childish or with no Biblical support? Gosh! I would have to move to the Jungle all by myself! The key to it is talking uniquely about themes which can change the essence of faith. As for the other things, if we are asked about them, we answer with tenderness. Non-essential things must be tolerated in behalf of companionship. For example: the issue of who enters first or last at church – the bride or the groom: if we take the Bible as an analogy and Christ as a paradigm, then it is right. It is the groom who comes for the bride wherever she is. However, what relevance does it have? what does it change? In whom? Don’t waste your time on foolishness. Being annoying may be everlasting. Reading good and bad books may be endless too. Be attentive and just don’t permit your readings to turn you into a too “bookish” person. This will really make of you a “pain in the neck”. By the way, an annoying person is that one whom we miss due to the relief he causes exactly for not being there. When he shows up, we look forward to feeling the relief produced by his absence. This is not what you want for you life. Is it? The secret is to be convenient. And there is more to it: not even angels stay to listen to theological argumentation! Focus your time and energy on what really counts. On the contrary, you will be tolerated but not loved. Look! I know that I face ALL I find wrong. But I only do this when it modifies the significance of faith. On the contrary, I just let it go. Receive my kiss. In Him, who has taught us to be convenient in all respects. Caio English Version by Wanda de Melo
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