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By Rev. Caio Fabio Título original em Português: A IGREJA, A ARCA E MUITOS BICHOS I am very happy with the creation of this site because people who feel uncomfortable at their churches can meet the Word herein. Pastor Caio, may you, in the name of Jesus the Lord, have the wisdom of God to advise them, so they can be healed.I can even understand that several churches have their many problems! People, however, need to know how to face these problems.We have a wonderful God to make men and women change their minds.May the Lord renew you ministry day after day. ___________________________________________________________ Shalom, Pastora.... My beloved Sister Pastora, You know pretty well what church is to God.I Know that you know. To God, church is always the same thing: the spiritual reunion of all His sons with fellowship among them while marching on Earth.On the other hand, group worshiping, testimony, gatherings, names, affinities, architectures, shapes, species – are what we call “church” or what we do not recognize as Church any longer. Therefore, in the best sense, God’s Church is a Big Great Noah’s Ark. We are all being called in Christ, by the Gospel of salvation and by the testimony of the Holy Spirit, to leave our own worlds – each one of us at our own time and hour – and come aboard this Ark of Salvation.God, however, chose animals and humans to get on that place. Yes! He elected species and also picked out some creatures among each species. Only God knows why He, Himself, elected the creatures he decided to elect.Yet, we know little about the creatures he decided to leave outside the Ark. Therefore, the ARK is Christ, God’s calling is the Gospel, and survivors are those who have answered to the calling - which is a free decision being conditioned only to the most absolutely freedom of God in relation to making choices. We, who have boarded, are supposed to be thankful to God for all those who listen to the Word of Gospel, and decide to get on the Ark too.By merely understanding the height, depth, width and extension – and by discerning Christ’s love, we know that the Ark grows inwards, like the Temple of Ezekiel. But many people do not think like that... We should wish the Ark to work at full passenger capacity with every creature on board. We should also want that all who have boarded, behaved at least like the animals behaved on the Ark.If only they could stay with representatives of their own species without generating a war inside the Ark... just to see who takes control over the trip.Not to mention most creatures who are already aboard. They are extremely discriminatory in relation to which species are allowed to having more room on the Ark.In fact, many of them, if they could, would leave outside all creatures who don’t belong to their own species. Therefore, my sister, I celebrate neither forms nor species, but God’s grace and His freedom to be the God of all those who believe in Him – though I, myself, only believe, because I received, from Him, the gift of faith. So, I meet my brothers and sisters everywhere.I see the seal of God’s grace on their foreheads and into their eyes. And I come across them at specific moments and places. There are creatures who prefer to stay in high hen roosts.Some creatures like to scratch the earth.Nevertheless, God’s grace has brought into this new world some creatures whom most of us wish had vanished from the Earth during the Flood. Which woman would have allowed a unique cockroach to couple survive? The story which I have amplified herein is an analogy of what Peter wrote in his epistle. Peter himself is the one who makes us understand the way we were rescued on the Salvation Ark!“that now saves you also....” – as Peter Says.We haven’t reached the new world.We are all travelling. We have the right to choose affinities.But far beyond creatures, we should have the gracious conscience of our own choice to be there. Likewise, we should celebrate God’s several preferences to choose, according to His Grace, even creatures we dislike.How nice it would be if we could see ourselves this way, during the trip of the same Salvation. As Paul said: Is it about oxen that God is concerned? Or wouldn’t he have said this via Peter so that we could inhabit on the same vessel – all of us? The name of this Ark is Church.The names of the “churches” on the ARK is what change from species to species.But it is still the same great salvation! Caio English Version By Wanda de Melo
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