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---original message--- Subject: “Acerca do Nome que é sobre todo Nome” From: Sara Date: September 2, 2003. Dear Pastor Caio Fabio, I want to tell you something. While reading your book Nephilim (which I loved much), I really appreciated the way you referred to the Name Above Every Name. I have a Taiwanese friend whose father was dying from cancer. She recently committed herself to Jesus here in the US and we have been sharing much about faith. She asked me how could she talk about Jesus to her moribund old father, a life-long Buddhist. He wouldn’t be able to assimilate or even accept the Christianism concept, brand new to him !!! I told her to merely ask him to call the Name Above Every Other Name, the God Above Every Other God. She did it and he agreed to do the same. He bowed his head and passed away with a peaceful smile on his face. I got really happy and kept the clear belief that we shall meet again one day. Yes, we shall meet my friend’s father in the presence of the Lord. A Kiss on your heart ! Sara *************************** Sara my dear, Peace to you! We recognize when people are speaking to us even when they don’t know our names. When this happens, we reply based on how we feel the interlocutor ’s heart, don’t we? If we, despite being ash-dust, are sensitive enough to do that, what to say about our Father who is in Heaven and created us all? The issue with Christians is that they are permanently trying to diminish God, like all other peoples on Earth do. Exactly the same peoples Christians use to call “idolaters”. Those who think that God has any hindrances in understanding his name just because the name was not spelled out, are as pagan as any other human being who builds an idol and bows before it. Pagan idols are made of stone, plaster, clay or any other material. Christians, however, make “idols of letters”; then, God’s name has to be spelled out! For the letter kills! I am glad that you feel and believe this way. I am absolutely positive that eternity shall reveal great surprises like this one. Many will come from the East and the West and the South – said Jesus. Meanwhile... Well, you know! My affection! In Him, Caio Translated by Wanda de Melo.
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