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In English



This is the worst Christmas ever.
A season to eat turkey during which, downcast Santa Claus wander around.
A Christmas without “merry” and cordiality.
A Christmas according to the “cold times” we live in.
This is certainly a cruel season all over the world.
What kind of Christmas is this anyway?
It is the least Christian-related of all Christmas in the occidental world in the last thousand and seven hundred years. Long ago, we used to hear about a post-Christian world. We could also hear about post modernity. Despite being a reality, the arrival of the post-Christian world and post modernity had not become an emotional reality.

That is, in the last two decades, despite living in a post Christian world - from the cultural and religious viewpoints-, we still had the “inertial energy” of the brotherly romanticism in Christian Christmas. It could be seen in many expressions of the spirit of reconciliation and goodwill.

Now it is different. There is no cordiality in gestures and looks, no affection in the streets and homes. Lack of cordiality and interest is everywhere. The freezing of affection is has been our way of life throughout the whole year.
Occidental humanity will now start to know what it is like to live in a world in which the Christianity Parties have no meaning other than the meaning that the White House and American believers have adopted.
Instead of the usual “Merry Christmas” – which could still remember Christianity – now for the second year, they have adopted the politically correct greeting: “Happy Holidays”.

Jesus was not born on a December 25th. This is not relevant anyway, because the wonder of incarnation must be our daily foolishness.

What I really miss is the kindness that seemed to resurrect from the dead in the presence of the romanticism of the day when Jesus was born.”

Furthermore, I do not miss that to me myself. This is nothing but a regret of someone who observes how people are growing colder and colder day after day.

I celebrate Christmas the whole year. He, who wants to live in the spirit of the Gospel; will live from the faith in incarnation each second of his life.

This is the dawning of the glacial era!

Blessed are those who do allow themselves to get frozen!

This is the antidote against the “politically correct” Christmas: Peace, the love you give, the affection for your father, mother, brothers, friends, and family.

Merry Christmas in your hearts!

In Him, who can only be born in our hearts.

English Version: Wanda de Melo
Original: Derreta o gelo neste natal

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