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In English





The bad smell of the streets follows me.  At this moment, I can’t even abandon the hardships of this place and the bad smell. My senses, from where my wishes come, are ashamed, clogged, invaded and polluted.

We are leaving Nigeria. We are coming home. My heart pounds randomly as I  leave this place. I am so glad because I have seen so many families touched by God and I know that, from now on, many of them will love and protect their little ones.

But I also leave this place with a cry in my spirit. A cry for those who will suffer and die “bewitched” in the name of Jesus.

 Until when, my God?  Until when?

 We will come back.

 I will come back.

 Come back home.

 Come back here.

 Come back to the father.

Our house is the Father and our Way to the Father passes by Nigeria.

 We will pass by here again. I don’t know when. I can’t tell exactly when.

 I don’t know for how long but I know why.

We will come back because for mostly everybody it is dangerous to come here. For mostly everybody it will never change… for mostly everybody it is better to take care of oneself.

But I know that this is the land of the unhealed vanities.

We will come back neither for the children who have died nor for those who will die. For death is, to some people, the end of all things. To whom there is nothing else to do.

We will come back for the children who will not suffer, or at least will not get traumatized. 

We will return for the many kids that will never get to know the evil from which they were saved.

We will leave but the good seeds have been sown.  Seeds of love and peace. We will take care of these seeds from a distance. We believe that the children of peace, who have joined us in this walk, may take care of them until the Father bring us back here. 

We will not put our hands to the plow and give up until the parents in this Country, in the name of Jesus, do not sacrifice their kids anymore. Until they learn to love them. Until the enemy takes his paws off the little ones in Nigeria. 

Leo Rocha dos Santos

Eket – Akwa Ibom State




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Translation: Wanda de Melo

Original:  Way to the Nation  - Trip to Nigeria


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