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 We all know how to appreciate things such as humbleness, meekness, a friendly tear, the effort for righteous relations, the boldness to pursuit peace and reconciliation, and the conscious courage to bear opposition with no hatred, but with resolve and a spirit of contentment for following the same path of the prophets who lived before us.

 Well, that is true when the person who embodies such contents isn’t between our interests and us. Otherwise, just like our parents did, we will see that that person be placed without the range of every possible nearness and influence.

 Such people are good when their presence is good for us, and they’re bad when we think it’s against us. That’s why only in his hometown is a prophet without honor: The unsettlement he causes is too deep and too visceral.

However, what led me to sit here and write this was the thought that we’re so willing to like virtue provided it keeps away from us. In fact, we elect certain people as holy and virtuous so that they fulfill this role for the human race while being very far from us. That’s why the individuals who inspire admiration are always from faraway lands or have lived way back in the past. In this way, we condemn ourselves by what we approve, for while we call such people virtuous, we don’t imitate their way of life.

 In fact, who has anything against someone being always teachable and always willing to improve? The kingdom of heaven belongs to the poor in spirit.

Who goes up against the idea that it’s good for someone to be able to refrain and have self-control? The meek will inherit the earth.

 Who has anything against someone who is able to show his/her feelings and weep with a sense of properness and intensity? It’s guaranteed that those who mourn will be comforted.

 Who dislikes the existence of good and righteous people, who could never take joy in any profit for themselves that impoverishes others? Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled.

 Who gets sad to see that there are people who look at life with a clean, pure eye, keeping their hearts free from any judgment against their neighbor? It’s said that the pure in heart will see God’s face more and more clearly.

 Who feels bad about the existence of people who make a continuous effort for peace? Isn’t it said that the peacemakers will be called children of God?

 Who resents the existence of people who won’t compromise their consciences regarding anything related to life’s essence, even if the price is persecution? As for them, it’s said that they should rejoice, especially if their resistance was fruit of their consciences concerning the Gospel, because this is the prophet’s reward.

 But if things are like this, then why don’t we seek to live like this?

 There’s one answer only: Because we don’t believe!

 In fact, every day I believe more and more that the way of grace leads us to follow that path by faith, and, as we go on, everything becomes spiritual happiness. Yes, everything turns into happiness and blessedness.

 However, without faith, nobody can take one step in that path.

 We’ve reached the point in the journey where every confession is accompanied by That Voice that says, “Go and do likewise.”

 Jesus said that is how we’re supposed to be and to see in the Way. Let he who believes aspire, by faith, that way of life. That is the path of grace, which is only lived out in truth in this way.

 The fruit of grace is happiness and blessedness in our beings. Spiritual happiness is the promise the Way makes to the walker. Truth doesn’t have a face; it has an existential way of being. And the truth’s way of being is the fruit that blessedness yields.

 Think about it!




Translated by F. R. Castelo Branco | July 2007


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